Type of photography – Object
Place – On the top of my house, Nashik
Date – 19th September 2015
Time – Afternoon
Background – I had to take shots of ongoing construction work at our home. It was time to set the required iron skeleton before they actually start putting the material in and build the roof. I was not only supervising their work but also observing how construction work of houses actually works. I randomly clicked captured some pics of the site and I found this one pretty cool. It conveys a message too. 😀
A message – We often look for the things outside that could inspire us, motivate us. Most of the time we tend as well expect to seek the required inspiration and motivation from the outer world but often fail to realize that the real strength comes from within us. One should know that he/she already possesses the strength required to fulfill his/her dreams, the only thing he/she needs to do is to realize and make it count. The outer world won’t be able to strengthen you until you find the real strength hidden within you.

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Very well said. Instead of seeking motivation from outside, we should seek it within us and strengthen our own efforts.That is what would bring long lasting results, as compared what temporary motivation we seek from outside world brings.
Also,The photograph fits perfectly the theme grid apart from the latent message you shared 🙂
Thank you so much Hargun! 🙂