Beginning is always the hardest.
I get to read this quote from time to time and each time I read it I feel the same. This is what these quotations do to you, they make you realize of something and make you think of the truth behind that; of course with conditions apply of relating with them. If you can relate to any quote it seems like the truth. Same was the case with me. I had so much of things to do that I never really got the beginning for. However, this year has turned into good one so far, though I was sick all the time for the last fifteen days and suffered a lot. I know it’s only twenty odd days gone by of this year but things are working for me. I am feeling like I have found what I needed the most, a good beginning.
As far as I remember I had made few resolutions that I had already shared here in my last post about resolutions. Though, none of them were supposed to be achieved at the first place but they all needed a good beginning. I am glad to share that despite of my sickness I have managed to give them a start. I missed on couple of them but I am happy for the remaining. Things never go the way you want them to go but I believe a good beginning is the key to success. So, here is the update about my resolutions
- I failed in my very first resolution of publishing two articles a week; however I will try my best in the future.
- The second one was continue to write articles on this blog, this post is the proof.
- I am glad to share that I have started both technical and creative writing. Though it’s just the beginning I am hoping to do well in these two areas. I have launched my own website techknowthings for technical writing where I am planning to share useful information about web and technology. This is one of my projects I was waiting very long for to start.
- Well I am not going to learn survey programming yet so I am discarding it from my list of resolutions and I am doubtful that same will be the case with doing daily workout. I just can’t do that and I am not feeling bad for it as I had already marked it as optional.
- Now the last one, reading at least five books this year. I am happy that I already have read one in these twenty days. Also, It was worth to read as I read a book written in my primary and local language Marathi. The book was based on relationship titled Partner by Marathi Author V. P. Kale. It was pleasure to read that book.
This is what I am doing these days. I know it’s a long way to go but I am happy that I have got a good beginning for things I wanted to do this year. Hope I will continue this for rest of the year and get succeeded till the end of this year. And yes, beginning is always the hardest but I believe once you begin nothing can stop you.
So, what about you? How’s your new year so far? Are you still stuck to your resolutions?
Have a good beginning. Cheers!!!
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