10 Reasons to read my blog

All of us need reasons to do something and so as readers to read. Why readers should read your blog? Have you ever think of that? No, I never did before. However, since I took blogging a bit seriously, I began to think of my readers. I wondered whether my readers have enough reasons to read my blog. I had never looked at my blog from the perspective of a reader. Yes, I have begun recently and I’m working and will work around my blog to serve my readers better content. It is not that I won’t be writing for myself. In fact, from now on I will be writing for myself as well as for my readers. I have many ideas and hopefully will implement them soon. For now, I just felt that as a blogger I should list some of the reasons to all my fellow bloggers, existing readers and new ones for why they should read my blog posts/articles. I have spent very much time thinking of my blog and what it has to offer to readers and I finally came with the list below.

Before I list the reasons let me tell you, what my blog is all about. I won’t put my blog under some particular category but yes, it is more of a Life and Philosophy blog. All stuff here will relate to real life. My blog is my world where I share moments from my real life too. I just hope that you will find at least one good reason to follow and read my blog from the list below.

1. If you want to know why life is beautiful then this blog is for you

There exists hundreds of reason to hate life but at the same time there exists thousands of reasons to love life. No, you won’t find answer to why life is beautiful by just reading my blog posts and I don’t explain that either. In fact I too keep searching for those reasons which make us feel that life is no less than beautiful. I steal moments from my life and put them here which become answer to the question why life is beautiful. You can experience that by reading my blog posts under category “Special moments” and hopefully you will have a different perspective to look at your life.

2. If you need some inspiration and/or motivation in your life then this blog is for you

Every morning I wake up I find myself surrounded by negative energy. I start my day with no inspiration at all and then I constantly look for inspiration here and there. Most of the time I succeed but sometimes I do not. Seeking inspiration and/or motivation on our own is quite possible but hard. Many times what we need is someone who can serve us the same thing. Sometimes it makes a huge difference when people do that for us. Being an inspiration seeker I know how desperately one can need few words of inspiration, hence I decided to serve little from me which can be found under category “Inspiration”.

3. If you like to read Quotes then this blog is for you

There is no easiest way to get inspired than reading quotes from extra ordinary people. A single line can change your life completely. You become wiser by reading less. I sometimes do the same and whenever I think of some good lines I put them under the page “Quotes & Sayings”. So if you are looking for some good quotes you can browse them here.

4. If you are the one who believes in truth and facts then this blog is for you

If you are a kind of person who believes in facts then you are at the right place. I personally believe in facts and truth and my thoughts reflect the same. I put them under the category “Thoughts”.

5. If you are an Indian then this blog is for you, if not then also it is for you

I feel that being an Indian you could relate to my life a bit faster and you will find most of the writing stuff is somewhere reflecting your life as well. Ah, don’t you worry if you are not an Indian because by reading my blog you will get some insight into an Indian’s life. Be assured that this blog is of a very ordinary guy living in India and is real.

6. If you like to read short but meaningful articles then this blog is for you

I know we all have busy lives. We often run out of time with things and reading is one of them. Most of the times you don’t get much time to read lengthy articles or you just avoid reading long ones. Thinking in that line sometimes I try to be more specific and straight while writing. In fact, I’m going to implement the same in near future. You will find short but meaningful blog posts here.

7. If you are looking for funny posts then this blog is for you

Fun is necessary. I agree completely. I was thinking of that since last few days and have decided to come up with light and funny blog posts under the category “Reasons”. You will find here some funny reasons to go for literally anything. I hope you will enjoy reading them.

8. If you like to take a look into people’s lives then this blog is for you added I belong to those people

I won’t deny that there exists people who like to seek insights from different people’s life and their character as I consider myself one of them. I like to read happenings in people’s life. It helps me understanding and knowing the different colors of life. If you are of a same kind then jump in here to seek happenings in my life. I list them under the category “Happenings”.

9. If you are looking for new friends then this blog is for you

In earlier days of blogging I was one of those who would read blog posts but won’t interact with writers as I had little faith in making friends here on WordPress. Being an introvert I had less courage but as the time passed by I began to feel that making friends here is no harm as people here are real in more way than on other social media. Since then I have changed my perspective and would like to introduce myself to the world. Always feel free to contact me. We can talk or discuss on any topic or laugh together on silly jokes which ever you feel comfortable with. I am available on other social media too; you can catch me over there as well.

10. If you are my friend then this blog is for you

I know some of my friends (in real with whom I interact directly) have begun to pay their attention to my blog and I really want them to keep reading my blog not just because this is their friend’s blog but because this blog belongs to them too. I have improved my blog’s readability for making it comfortable to read my blog on smart phones so don’t make excuses and just read on.

Well, these are some of the reasons I feel a reader should look at before leaving my blog without reading. Besides that there may exist another reasons to read my blog and I would definitely like if you can mention them in comments. Do you think of your readers? What do you do to serve them better content? Don’t hesitate to put your thoughts here. Express yourself.

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Pratik Akkawar

I am occasionally a poet, blogger and an amateur writer, trying to put my thoughts into words and sometimes words into poems.


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