Thank you for taking time to read this facts about my blog. I have tried to mention the important ones though the list could grow long in the future.
- I was using WordPress on self hosted site prior to signing up on, dated 11th August 2011.
- I had published my first ever post, one year and three months after I signed up (dated 26th December 2012) and it was on different blog. I had created my first blog with intentions to share updates regarding my first writing attempt at Novel. As time passed by, I lost interest and left blogging after publishing four posts on that blog. I had written draft of one chapter and had whole characterization ready of my Novel and I still have hopes that someday I will start writing that Novel again and manage to finish.
- My current blog (The Other Direction) had no specific name for more than two years. Initially it was named after my name i.e. Pratik Akkawar.
- I published my first post on The Other Direction nearly after one year (dated 12th August 2013) from when I had created the blog. I had not written anything for almost eight to ten months continuously.
- I have never written a single post using WordPress editor. I write my posts on MS word document first and then copy-paste them into editor later.
- I don’t create drafts of my posts; all my posts are my first and last attempt to write those articles at one go. Most of the time, I finish writing an article within few hours or at most a single day. I don’t continue article that I had left incomplete last day. In other words, 24 hours is limit for me to finish writing any article on my blog.
- More than 90% of posts on The Other Direction are written at office by me and this post too is no exception.
- Every blog post on The Other Direction has featured image associated with it.
- The Other Direction has more female followers than that of male and is still growing strong in same direction.
- The Other Direction is an Award Free Blog. Though I neither mentioned anywhere nor I announced it officially, I have decided not to receive any blog awards in near future.
- The Other Direction was previously known to readers by the name Aimless till early months of 2016.
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I do love your blog icon 🙂 its different…its nice and importantly unique as well 🙂 Go well!! Continue the good work 🙂 and ur good with the ladies huh..!? nyc … may you be always blessed with more female over the male followers 🙂
Haha, no it’s my blog which is good with ladies. 😉 I was about to get myself into thoughts of why no men are reading my posts and then you came to save me. Thanks very much for reading. 🙂
blog…blog owner…the thoughts are still yours 🙂 enjoy the attention while u get it…you never know how long the good times would last 🙂
true! However, I no longer think of followers as it is merely a number. The only thing a writer should bother about is writing. 🙂
yes of course 🙂
Such a gush of happiness reading your blog !
Thank you 🙂